The objective of the marker is to assess the student's understanding, not their ability to follow expectations.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Summer Reading Assignments & Note About Assigning Shakespeare
On a related topic, any teacher about to take up Shakespeare could do a lot worse than to hang up posters banning the Shakespeare for Slackers series.. Aaron Kite provides the translation of Elizabethian English (the original text on the left hand page) into modern punk (on the right hand page) which is both hilarious and educational. Students get to understand the jokes in the original, get to observe how modern English is more linear than Shakespearian English, and gain a whole new appreciation for the original drama. Better than the Star Wars as Shakespeare books, in my opinion. Or assign a compare and contrast essay on the two versions if the whole 'banning' trick doesn't work....
Alternatively, try John Poulsen's Shakespeare for Reader's Theatre series, which gets students performing Shakespeare's plays within about 45 minutes of the start of the unit. Highly recommended.